
Find and compare tactical patches from popular brands such as Clawgear, Dutch Tactical Gear, Apatch, Mil-Spec Monkey and Noorloos. These patches are suitable for use by military and law enforcement personnel. Click on a product below to compare their properties and prices from different sellers.

Apatch NLD Patch
Noorloos IR Patch NLD
Clawgear 0 Neg IR Patch
Clawgear 0 Pos IR Patch
Clawgear A Neg IR Patch
Clawgear A Pos IR Patch
Clawgear AB Neg IR Patch
Clawgear AB Pos IR Patch
Clawgear B Neg IR Patch
Clawgear B Pos IR Patch
Clawgear Belgium Flag Patch
Clawgear Dual IR Patch NLD
Clawgear IR Reflective Patch
Apatch IR Tags Rond
Apatch IR Tags Vierkant
Clawgear K9 IR Patch
Clawgear Medic IR Patch
Clawgear Netherlands Flag Patch